Jeff Silence
(602) 932-8358
Jeff has more than ten years experience in the following areas:
EMPLOYMENT - pursuing and defending all types of employment claims
DEFAMATION - pursuing and defending claims for defamation, intentional interference with contract and
business expectancy, and invasion of privacy
EDUCATION - helping students with a broad range of issues
COMMERCIAL - pursuing and defending a broad range of business disputes
Since becoming an attorney in 2012, Jeff has had many notable trial victories, some of which have
resulted in significant media coverage. Jeff is a frequent speaker at attorney events and has published
over 70 articles on a broad range of legal topics. Jeff has been named a “Rising Star” by Super
Lawyers, which is an honor given to only 2.5% of attorneys.
Jeff represents both employees and employers, which gives him a unique insight into how to pursue
and defend a broad range of employment claims. He enjoys helping the “little guy” pursue their
claims and vindicate their rights. He also likes helping his employer clients come up with creative
solutions. Jeff prides himself on using technology and creativity to efficiently solve problems.
When Jeff is not practicing law, he enjoys running, listening to books and podcasts, and
spending time with his wife and daughter.
Awards & Recognitions
Phoenix Magazine, Top Lawyer, Labor & Employment (2022)
Southwest Super Lawyers, Rising Star (2019 to present)
AVVO Rated 10.0 (2017 to present)
Best Lawyers in America, Ones to Watch (2021 to present)
Martindale Hubbell, Client Champion (2019 to present)
Leadership Roles
Arizona Employment Lawyer’s Association – President
Arizona State Bar Executive Council for Labor & Employment Section - Board Member
Notable Victories
Successfully defended his Fortune 500 employer client in an 6-day jury trial. The employee claimed she was terminated for blowing the whistle and sought over $5 million in damages. She was awarded nothing.
Prevailed in a week-long federal court trial in which Jeff’s client was seeking payment of her overtime wages. The court awarded Jeff’s client every penny she sought in overtime wages and ordered the defendant to pay over $300,000 in attorney fees.
Prevailed in a multi-day arbitration hearing against the City of Phoenix in a high-profile case that made the front page of the Arizona Republic. The City alleged that Jeff’s client committed fraud and breached his contract. The arbitrator ruled in favor of Jeff’s client and awarded his client all of his attorney fees.
Represented a buyer of a business in a multi-day arbitration hearing in which Jeff’s client alleged that the seller committed fraud when selling his business. Jeff’s client settled on favorable terms before the final day of the hearing.
Successfully defended a Fortune 500 employer in a multi-day arbitration hearing in which the employee asserted claims for breach of contract, failure to pay wages, and sex discrimination. The employee did not prevail on any claims and was awarded nothing.
Represented an employee in a high-profile whistleblower trial against the State of Arizona. The claim was reported in the Arizona Republic and involved top-level government officials.
Represented an employee in commercial court to dispute the enforceability of a non-compete, non-solicit, and confidentiality agreement.
Prevailed in a criminal trial while in law school by convincing the court that the criminal statute at issue was unconstitutional.
2022 Arizona State Bar CLE – New Lawyer Workshop
2022 Arizona State Bar Fall Seminar – Everything You Need to Know About Restrictive Covenants
2022 Annual Convention for Arizona Employment Lawyer’s Association – When is a Commission “Earned,” and What Should You Do When an Employee is Fired Shortly Before Receiving Their Commission?
2022 Arizona Association for Justice – Arizona Paid Sick Time
2021 Annual Convention for Arizona Employment Lawyer’s Association – Constructive Discharge Claims
2018 Arizona State Bar Convention – Arizona’s Paid Sick Time Law
2017 Annual Convention for the Arizona Employment Lawyer’s Association – Best Practices and Ethical Issues When Representing Employees Who Are Still Employed
2016 Annual Convention for the Arizona Employment Lawyer’s Association – Discovery and Use of Social Media in Litigation
2016 Arizona State Bar Employment Lawyer’s Annual Sedona Conference – How to Oppose Employment Arbitration Agreements
2015 Annual Convention for the Arizona Employment Lawyer’s Association – Using Technology to Improve the Practice of Law: Part 2
2014 Annual Convention for the Arizona Employment Lawyer’s Association – Using Technology to Improve the Practice of Law
Previous Positions
Arizona Court of Appeals, Law Clerk for Judge Patrick Irvine (2011 to 2012)
Jaburg Wilk, Partner (2012 to 2022)
Bar Admissions
Jeff was admitted to practice law in Arizona in 2012 in both state and federal court.